Sunday, April 20, 2008

One Last Memory

If I had the choice of keeping one memory and losing the others, I would keep the memory of

when I met all my friends at Flint River Academy! When I first visited Flint River I didn't know

anybody there. When school started, and I met some of the kids that were going to be in my

class and got to know them better, I felt as if I had known them all my life in just a couple days.

Most of my friends have been going to Flint River since they were in kindergarten, so they

knew about where everything was and I hardly knew where anything was. Now, I know where

most of the rooms are and I now know who most of the people are in the school since I've been

there for a while now. I have many friends now than before when I started in the 6th grade.

That was the best memory I've had of my friends, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else!