Sunday, February 17, 2008

The 5 remianing jobs

It was a sunny day and everything was happy until North Korea dropped a bomb

on the world. Only five jobs remained in the world. The five jobs I think that

should remain and could help the world grow again should be police, doctors,

farmers, builders, and scientists.

The police would be a good job because they could help stop crime from

happening and help people in need. The doctors could help people when they are

sick and can give them medicine to make them feel better. Farmers can grow food

that the people eat and can have animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens for

meat and can have horses could be ridden as a way of transportation. Builders

could build houses and shelters for those who don’t have homes and can repair

houses. The last job I think would be good is scientists because they could figure

out new medicines for diseases that don’t have cures yet.