Sunday, April 20, 2008

One Last Memory

If I had the choice of keeping one memory and losing the others, I would keep the memory of

when I met all my friends at Flint River Academy! When I first visited Flint River I didn't know

anybody there. When school started, and I met some of the kids that were going to be in my

class and got to know them better, I felt as if I had known them all my life in just a couple days.

Most of my friends have been going to Flint River since they were in kindergarten, so they

knew about where everything was and I hardly knew where anything was. Now, I know where

most of the rooms are and I now know who most of the people are in the school since I've been

there for a while now. I have many friends now than before when I started in the 6th grade.

That was the best memory I've had of my friends, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else!

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Lesson From Anne Frank

I think Mrs. Chapman taught us about Anne Frank because we need to learn the lessons from

the story. The lessons I learned from this is even though someone can be so cruel to others they

can still be good in their hearts. Adolf Hitler was very cruel to the Jews because the Jews were

prospering while the German Nazis were staying the same and weren't growing as well as the

Jews. We should all be like Anne Frank because she looks on the bright side of things even when

things are so bad like the Holocaust.

In a way we are going through another Holocaust. We might not be as cruel now as the Nazis

were back then, but we still are being prejudice like the German's were to the Jews. People still

judge others by their race today. The Holocaust was a tragic event in history. Anne Frank was

living during the time of the Holocaust with her family in hiding from the German's. Anne was

taken away from her friends and normal lifestyle to go into hiding. I would hate to be taken away

from my friends and to go and hide not knowing what would happen to my friends.

I hope this event has taught people lessons and help them not judge people on the outside but

look on the inside. We should also learn to think before we speak so maybe this might help some

people to to think about what they are going to say before they actually say it. I just hope that

we don't go through another Holocaust as bad as this one but that's just my opinion. So many people

were sent to concentration camps and died there and even when that was going on Anne still

thought on the bright side of things. We all should learn from her and try to be more like her.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The 5 remianing jobs

It was a sunny day and everything was happy until North Korea dropped a bomb

on the world. Only five jobs remained in the world. The five jobs I think that

should remain and could help the world grow again should be police, doctors,

farmers, builders, and scientists.

The police would be a good job because they could help stop crime from

happening and help people in need. The doctors could help people when they are

sick and can give them medicine to make them feel better. Farmers can grow food

that the people eat and can have animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens for

meat and can have horses could be ridden as a way of transportation. Builders

could build houses and shelters for those who don’t have homes and can repair

houses. The last job I think would be good is scientists because they could figure

out new medicines for diseases that don’t have cures yet.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Animal Personality

My personality i think is mostly like a cat because cats are clever in figuring things out. Cats also learn things pretty quickly. They have highly advanced hearing, eyesight, taste, and touch. They can be independent. When cats are younger they tend to be more shy of other people and other animals but once they get around people and more animals often they become less frightened. That is like me because when I meet someone new I am usually shy around them but once I get to know and see them more often I become less shy around them. Cats can also either be alone or they can be in groups with others depending on their mood, that's how I am depending on my mood I can either be with in group with my other friends or I can just be with one person or alone. Cats act according to who they are around, if they are around aggression most of the time the cat's most likely to pick up the behavior that the person has. Kids act that way depending on who they hang out with and become friends with, they are likely to have the same behavior as the people who they hang around. Cats are sneaky animals but they are clever also. They enjoy time on their own sometimes as well as time with others. Sometimes I like to be with other people and hang out with them but I also like to be alone to have some quiet time sometimes. I like to have fun and talk with my friends as do cats. They have their own way of having fun and talking with others.

I think Mrs. Chapman would most likely be like a fox. Foxes are also clever and can be sneaky and unpredictable. Mrs. Chapman is like a fox because with quizzes you can never tell when she is going to give you a quiz but when you least expect it she gives them out. She is swift in her work and grading like foxes are in hunting.